How is it September already?? I guess being busy is good, especially since it means I'm getting paid and money is a necessary commodity (especially when planning a wedding!). But, honestly, where has the time gone?
My mom's a doofus. Can't even keep track of time! |
I've been working 2-3 days a week at the animal hospital. Those days when I'm not there I am working either on illustrations (currently on my 3rd large project for Paint Horse Journal in the past five months) or authoring online learning content for Sapling, which I've been doing for almost a year now. It's actually been working out really well in terms of being able to see Charlie. I'm able to go to the barn first thing in the morning on my days off from the hospital, when it's not so hot. Then I work from home the rest of the day. Teching days are ten hours at a stretch, so they're kind of a waste for getting anything else done, but I love being back at an animal hospital.
Charlie is doing pretty well overall. He had one weird bout of lameness last week that is still resolving, but otherwise not bad. He is getting a little beat up a bit from playing with the babies over the fence, and we've sacrificed two fly masks in the process, but I don't care about small bumps like that. He's just being a horse.
Here is a pictorial rundown of this past month:
First weekend in August: Dan's cousin's wedding up in RI |
Cow desensitizing was a main goal this month |
Got to see some up close and personal |
Even the big ones aren't so scary anymore, they're just funny looking horses |
Super awesome gift arrived mid-month in the mail from Maddy :) |
I also got a lot of opportunities to play with random jumps and pole combos |
It's nice to be at a barn with jump supplies |
Of course, I'll make a jump out of anything |
One day I decided to work on walking on different textures |
Charlie thought the mat was food. Weirdo. |
You mean I is not supposed to eats dis? Den whats the point? |
Looking particularly regal and handsome :) |