Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shoes and "Spring Cleaning"

Yesterday I got to the barn to discover that Charlie had lost his second shoe in the last week. Nice. I was really trying to stretch his next farrier visit out to the first week of June, which would be 6 weeks (in the winter he could go 8-9 between shoeings), but apparently Charlie had other ideas. Luckily my farrier was already coming out today to shoe another horse in the barn so it was no trouble to add Charlie to his schedule. 

I was still able to ride him lightly outside yesterday since the footing is nice and soft out there, but today it was pouring and the indoor is way to hard for a shoeless foot. So that meant after doing my normal Wednesday barn chores Charlie underwent a little "spring cleaning" instead (er, sheath cleaning). Dan was both intrigued and disgusted, Charlie didn't enjoy it but he did let me clean most everything without complaint. Fun things I can now look forward to as a gelding owner!


  1. Haha, I do NOT miss that about geldings!!

  2. Hahaha!! I just did my guy's too! :)

  3. Simon has also been throwing 1 shoe per week. Tis the season I guess!

  4. Henry LOVES his sheath cleaned lol!

    Sounds like you were able to be productive despite the missing shoes :)

  5. What is everyone's favorite thing to use cleaner-wise?

    1. I used Excalibur and it worked really well but honestly I haven't tried anything else, it's been all mares before Charlie!

  6. wow lucky, my guys hate being toughed in their no no bits LOL

  7. Ah the worst time of the year... It's artleast better when they are tolerant. Nothing worse then a gelding that hates spring cleaning.

    1. Yeah I didn't know what to expect. He was surprisingly good though, thank god.
