Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Juno = Snow Ride

Although our projected Snowpocalyse from Winter Storm Juno turned out to be more of a Snore-Easter here in Central Jersey, it made for some really pretty landscapes. So today I ventured out to the barn to spend some quality time hanging out with Charlie, including a wonderful ride through the snow, my first ride in weeks! It felt so good to be back, and Charlie couldn't have been more level-headed and fun.

Yes, this is happening! Untouched snow! Woohoo!
Blowing snow makes this post-ride shot oh-so-picturesque :)
Afterward I had to fix one of the gates that had come off its hinges. Charlie of course tried to help.

He is such a big help. Or at least he thinks so.
Hmmm. I concur. That gate is definitely off its hinge.
Baling twine? What a novel idea! 
Then came the fun. Point a camera at Charlie and he turns into such a ham. It's adorable. I finally just stood back and let him have my full attention, and this is what evolved:

Picture time? Ok....go!
Sexy pouty face
Thank you, thank you very much
A bit tipsy
Zen master. Ohhhmm.
I'm so funny I make myself lol
That concludes our session. Thank you!