Saturday, November 16, 2013

Good day for a ride

Today Connie and I took advantage of the unseasonably warm November weather to trailer the boys over to the barn where we work for a ride. It was awesome! We started in the indoor to make sure Charlie and Gi would be good since Charlie hasn't been out in a week and this would be the first time Connie ride Gi since her accident several months ago. Walked, trotted, cantered both directions. Charlie carousel-horsed the canter at first but then settled down. We got a b-e-a-utiful long low trot :)

After warming up we decided to hit the trails. The boys were perfect. Even a pond full of swans didn't faze them. With Gi leading I even got Charlie to cross a *very small* creek. Yes, he may have jumped it but, hey, he went across! Coming out of the woods Gi spooked and shot up behind Charlie causing him to jump all four feet straight up off the ground; probably scary to watch but just weird to ride. He calmed right down again and we finished the ride smiling. What a good day :)
The perfect view
Connie and Gi, all smiles :)
P.S. Today was Day 1 of Charlie's SmartCalm Ultra. Here's hoping it does the trick!


  1. I love how tiiiiiiny Gi looks from Charlie's back!

  2. Yay!!! Lucy would of lost her mind w the swans poor girl. I'm glad you're getting riding time in. miss you!!!
