Monday, July 28, 2014

Horsey wine alert: Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon

I pulled this bottle of Dark Horse Cabernet off the shelf because of the name (obviously), considered buying it because it is a Cabernet and it is from California (check and check, two of my favorites), and I ultimately made the purchase because it was on sale for under $10! Score! And you know what? I tried it last night and it was actually pretty good.

Plus the graphic artist in me loves how their logo uses a champagne flute as the horse's blaze (even though to be technical a wine glass would have been more fitting). Very cute :)


  1. I am guilty of buying wine simply because of the fact it has horse related name or label. I'll have to look for this one!

  2. A few weeks ago a conference was serving 14 hands wine and I got SUPER excited. The bartenders probably thought I was crazy! Great find!

    1. I think 14 hands is pretty popular at conferences/weddings/etc which is good because it's not a horrible wine and it's horsey! I've tried several of theirs

  3. Glad I'm not the only who buys things based on the label. My husband used to question, now he just rolls his eyes. LOL I didn't even notice the flute until you said something, pretty neat "trick".

    1. I will always buy a horse wine if it's not too expensive, just because! I've tried several different versions of 14 hands so far (not bad) plus another one called "Horse Heaven Hills" and a few from "Wild Horse" (that I can remember off the top of my head). Wild Horse was pretty good too.

  4. I always buy the horse wine hahaha 14 hands is a common one I see!
