Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life update

Wow have I been busy and I have so much to write about! I've been all wrapped up in my jobs and life that time just kept getting away from me and I didn't know where to start....

First of all I, rather unexpectedly, was offered a job working as an independent illustrator for Michael Aram in New York. It is part-time and I can work from home mostly, so it fits really well with my two remaining jobs (barn and dog rescue, I quit Target). Plus it pays much better than anything else I'm doing and it's fun to be creative again. I can actually get some use out of my degree. I have my sister to thank, she's been working for Michael for over a year, and when their previous illustrator moved on she recommended me :)

For the past few weeks I've also been playing in the pit orchestra for my old high school's production of Singin' in the Rain. I used to love playing in pit and though I haven't played my viola in years, when they asked if I'd be interested I jumped at the chance. It used to be such a huge part of my life. What a thrill to be playing again and to be a part of such a wonderful production. I forgot how good it feels :)

Now the biggest news.......drum roll please......Dan got a job!! It's been over a year of searching and no sooner had I gotten word about Michael Aram than he was offered a job at Roche Diagnostics. The only problem is that the job is in NJ, nowhere near here. Not ideal by any means, but it doesn't make sense for me to leave my jobs and move with him right away. Rather, we decided it would be best if we both try to save up money - Dan can live with his mom and commute in from there - and in a few months we'll be able to move someplace together.

Anyway, he moved out this weekend. It's a big change, and it will take some getting used to, but we plan to see each other on weekends and we've done this long-distance thing before. I'll keep myself busy here, never seem to have a problem doing that, and we'll see where each month takes us!


  1. This is more of a reason I NEED TO COME SEE YOU! I'm glad you're staying busy and hope you're still getting some pony time in. <3 Stay strong!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of life changes, but glad you will both be getting some $$$. The viola, very impressive! I'm pretty sure I was the worlds worst violin player as a child, but I loved the idea and sound of it (just not the practice)lol.
